Take Your Influence & Sales Skills To The Next Level, And Never Have to Worry About Hitting Your Sales Targets Ever Again.

Increase Conversion Rates, Make More Profit Per Sale. And Increase The Frequency of How Often You Are Making Sales. No Matter What Your Experience Level

Are Your Ready To Become a Trusted Advisor To Your Customers, And Increase Your Impact And Income?

Once you invest you’ll immediately receive the pre-training so when the challenge starts you’ll be 100% prepared


A Quick Question For You.
How Many of The Below Statements Currently Apply to Yourself?

You’re Not Making Enough Profit
You Have No Idea How You Can Double Your Sales
You Feel So Busy But Still Aren’t Achieving Enough
You Feel Like You’re Constantly Chasing New Leads
You Sometimes Feel Like You Don’t Know What You Are Doing
You Have Sales That Are Slipping Through The Cracks
You Have Sales That Fall Over – (Refunds Are Requested)
You or Your Sales Team Are Not Motivated or Doing The Basics Well
You’re Not Moving Forward Like You Need to
You’re Getting Smashed by Your Competitors
You Don’t Have Great Strategies Or Systems to Assist With Your Sales Process
You Don’t Know What Words to Say to Make More Appointments and Sales
The Entire Customer Experience You Provide Could be Better
You’re Missing Out On Precious Time With Your Family & Friends

If 5 or more of the above statements are where you see yourself right now, we can help.

Is This Challenge For You?

Who The Challenge is For

Progressive Thinking Small Business Owners, With Up To 10 Sales People
Progressive Thinking Small Business Owners, Who Sell Their Products or Services Themselves
Sales Professionals (Min 3 months experience)
If You’re Open to New Ideas
If You’re Happy to Have Fun Whilst Doubling Your Sales
Action Takers

Who The Challenge is NOT For

E-Commerce or Business That Are Online And Have ZERO Customer Interaction
Start Ups
Brand New Sales People
If You Are Not Open to New Ideas
If You Don’t Want To Have Fun Whilst Doubling Your Sales
Non Action Takers

Want an ‘Unfair Advantage’ With Your Sales?

Would converting more of your leads help grow your business?

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with everything else you need to do but you know that increasing your sales is something that you must do?

If so, then you’re going to love the ‘Transform Your Sales in 7 Days Challenge, that changes how people sell for ever!

Hi, my name is Adrian Law.

This is my personal invitation for you to join what we call the –
‘Transform Your Sales in 7 Days Challenge.’

Because you’ve acknowledged some of the statements above apply to you, I already know something about you..

You’ve either had enough of poor or mediocre results or you desire something much bigger. Or maybe both.

You have a product or service that more people need to experience..

And you know that the best way for that to happen is by increasing your sales!

Which is Why I Created This Challenge For You


What do all really successful businesses have in common? They all know how to sell. Not just that, they do it strategically. From a single sales person to small and large organisations. How about me? I’ve won awards for sales results & customer service. But it wasn’t always that way..

I did OK but was only just above average in my sales performance. This frustrated me greatly. It took me a long, long time to figure this out. I was the nice guy that everybody loved but very few bought from. It wasn’t until I learnt there was an actual science to succeeding in sales that my results started to improve. Instead of trying so hard, it became effortless and enjoyable. Since then I’ve personally trained over 150,000 professionals where clients regularly pay me $1000 per hour for personal coaching. Why Then Would I Give 30 Days Of My Time, Knowledge & Skill For FREE. That’s a great question. But it’s quite simple. In fact just two reasons –

  1. When you go through the challenge and you absolutely love it, and the results that it brings you. Will you want to know what else we offer here at Next Level Selling? I hope you do 🙂
  2. Case Studies.
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You see, for the last 21 years, most of our clients have been in the corporate world. Since COVID-19 hit I’ve had a chance to rethink who I really want to help and work with. The answer? Progressive Thinking, Small Business Owners. It’s where my heart has been for the longest time, and I am one too! Therefore, I really understand what you go through, whether that’s in sales, management, or as a small business owner. Anyway, I got to work and have designed a phenomenal 12-month transformational program, that’s designed to double the sales of a small business. Now, imagine if I can help you and people like you achieve one part of this in just 30 days..

What do I mean? Well, the ‘Transform Your Sales in 7 Days Challenge’ focuses on 3 different parts of your business.

Here’s how the challenge works:

Increase Your No of Customers

Improve Conversion Rates & Lead Gen

Increase The Amount Of Profit Per Sale

Strategies to Improve Profit

Increase The Frequency of Your Sales

Repeat Business, Referrals & Other Products/Services

We’ll spend a total of 7 days + make time for thinking & implementation. There are some great prizes to be won and at the end of the challenge, I have a very special surprise for you that will blow your mind!

Once you join, in the pre-training that you’ll get immediate access to, I’ll explain in more depth how you can transform your sales and how I will do everything in my power to help you achieve that in our time together.

Most courses out there you’d pay at least $2,000 or more, and they don’t deliver close to what value you’re about to get for a fraction of that price!

So.. Let Me Ask You..
Do You Want The Very Best in Influence, Sales, Customer Experience & Profit Building Strategies Designed to Take Out All The Heartache and Guesswork Without paying me $10,000 to Show You How?

Here’s What’s Included
In The Challenge

There's Also Great Prizes to be Won


Can You Really Have a Guarantee on a FREE 7-Day Challenge?

Oh yeah baby!

Everything that we do is focused on being ‘Next Level,’ and you are still spending your time with us for 7-Days.

We don’t take that for granted.

Therefore, once you’ve completed the challenge, if this wasn’t the best free training focused on transforming your sales, just let us know and I will personally reach out to make sure you are 1000% happy.

Does that sound more than fair?