Lesson from Confucius

Download the complete transcription here.

  • [0:06] “A Great Man Is Hard On Himself; A Small Man Is Hard On Others.”
  • [0:23] I. Adrian explains a scenario in which he lost in a competition.
  • [0:34] I-a. He explains further how having high standards for yourself can affect how you react to losing or winning.
  • [0:53] II. In Sales, are you giving a 100% to every person?
  • [1:27] III. Having high standards is being hard on yourself.
  • [1:54] IV. Keeping track of your health.
A great man is hard on himself; a small man is hard on others.
  1. Having high standards can affect how you view losing and winning.
    Do you ever get that unsatisfactory feeling after winning? That is a result of how you put standards for yourself.

    Adrian explains in the video, a lesson from Confucius, how he was okay with losing, simply because he played well by his standards. Whereas, if he won the game and did not give his all, he would not feel satisfied.

  2. In Sales, are you giving a 100% to every person?
    Are you being led through the process, or are you leading through the process?

  3. Having high standards is being hard on yourself.
    When you have high standards for yourself, you are subconsciously being hard on yourself, and not in the wrong way. You are pushing yourself to keep getting better at what you do, whether it is work, school, etc.

  4. Keeping track of your health.
    You should also be aware of your limits and needs. What do you need to do to get the amount of energy you need? Are you eating a proper diet? Do you have a decent sleep schedule?

Hope you learn this important lesson from Confucius.

Email us at adrian@nextlevelselling.com.au

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